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Module for identifying screens.

Primary screen

var screens = Module.load("Screens", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var primaryScreen = screens.primary;

Resulting primaryScreen is a screen object.

All screens

var screens = Module.load("Screens", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var allScreens = screens.all;

Resulting allSreens is an array containing a screen object for each screen you have.

Screen object


  • isPrimary boolean which indicates if the screen is the primary screen.
  • bounds size object of the entire screen.
  • workingArea size object of the screen without the taskbar.
  • isOn({ x: 10, y: 20 }) returns a boolean whether the coordinates are inside bounds.
  • name the name of the screen.

Size object


  • height height of the area in pixels.
  • width width of the area in pixels.
  • x the horizontal location of the leftmost point af the area on the screen.
    • for workingArea with a left located taskbar this will show where on the screen the working area begins.
  • y the vertical location of the topmost point of te area on the screen.