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This module can do network operations

Set timout

var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
network.setTimeout(500); // default

the timeout value used for ping, multiplePings & traceroute


var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var result ="");

The result is a PingResultInstance JSON object with the following properties:

  • status is the status of the attempted ping
  • time is the round trip time of the ping
  • bytes is the amount of bytes received
  • address is the IP address of the reply
  • ttl is the time to live
  • toString() string representation of result

Pinging multiple times

var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var result = network.multiplePings("", 7);

The result is a MultiplePingInstance JSON object with the following properties:

  • averageTime is the average time for the pings
  • all is an array containing PingResultInstance for each ping
  • toString() string representation like in terminal.

DNS lookup

var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var result = network.dnsLookup("");

The result is an array of strings which holds the IP addresses the host is know by, often just one result.

Wake On Lan

var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });

Turns on the computer with the mac address “04-7C-16-2C-61-C1”


var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var res = network.arp();

The result is an ArpInstance JSON object, with the following properties:

  • table returns an object with all IP’s mapped to a mac address
    • eg. res.table[""] to get the mac of ip
  • toString() returns the table formatted as a string


var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var res = network.ipconfig();

The result is a IPConfigInstance JSON object with the following properties:

  • mac is your physical address / mac address
  • dnsSuffix is your DNS suffix
  • iPv4 is your IPv4 Address
  • subnetMask is your subnet mask
  • DHCP is your DHCP server
  • dnsServers is your DNS servers as a string split by a space
  • description is description on your internet device
  • name is the name of your connection
  • type is the type of your connection
  • linkLocalIPv6 is your link-local IPv6 address
  • toString() returns a string with all the information


var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var options = { ttl: 128 }; // default value
var res = network.traceroute("", options);

the result is a TracerouteInstance JSON object with the following properties:

  • pings is the array of PingResultInstance from the traceroute
  • toString() returns a string formatted like traceroute in terminal


var network = Module.load("Network", { version: "v1.0.0" });
var res = network.netstat("-a"); // -a is optional and does the same as -a for netstat in terminal

the result is a NetStatInstance JSON object with the following properties:

  • getActive() returns an array of ActiveConnection
  • getTCPListeners() returns an array of ListeningConnection. Note this is empty if “-a” flag is not used
  • getUDPListeners() returns an array of ListeningConnection. Note this is empty if “-a” flag is not used
  • toString() returns all results in a string

ActiveConnection is a JSON with the following properties:

  • getLocalAddress() returns the local address
  • getForeignAddress() returns the foreign address
  • getState() returns the state of the connection
  • toString() returns the connection formatted as a string

ListeningConnection is a JSON with the following properties:

  • getLocalAddress() returns the local address
  • toString() returns the connection formatted as a string