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A Tip is a window that can be placed relative to a Field and keep its position. It can be used to indicate an action that the user should take or that the robot is working on something related to that UI element. It has a smallish to configure the behaviour and appearance of the displayed window.

To show a tip invoke the tip function on a Field instance. In the simplest case you can supply the text to be shown:

Fields.MiddleButton.tip("I am a tip");

// You can then access all tips shown on a Field via the `tips` property[0].text = "New text";

Tip with default configuration

If you want more control over the appearance you should provide an object as argument to tip. E.g. to control the size of the tip window:

Fields.MiddleButton.tip({ text: "I am a tip", width: 150, height: 100 });

Tip with a custom size

Or to change the color and/or display an icon:

  text: "I am a tip",
  width: 200,
  height: 150,
  color: "MistyRose",
  icon: "BellSolid",

Tip with custom color


The text displayed in the tip window can be formatted with markdown.

  text: "# I am a tip\nWith support for *markdown* in all its **glory**.",
  width: 200,
  height: 150,
  color: "MistyRose",
  icon: "BellSolid",

Tip with markdown


Use the pointing property to provide a preferred location of the tip window relative to the Field to which it is anchored. The tip will re-position itself if it extends beyond the screen bounds.

  text: "# I am a tip\nWith support for *markdown* in all its **glory**.",
  width: 200,
  height: 150,
  color: "MistyRose",
  icon: "BellSolid",
  pointing: "right",

Tip placement


If you need the user to interact with the field you can set the buttons property.

var t = Fields.MiddleButton.tip({
  text: "# I am a tip\nWith support for *markdown* in all its **glory**.",
  width: 200,
  height: 150,
  color: "MistyRose",
  icon: "BellSolid",
  pointing: "right",
  buttons: [
      value: "OK",
      foregroundColor: "White",
      backgroundColor: "Green",
      isDefault: true,
    { icon: "SadCrySolid", backgroundColor: "Yellow", isCancel: true },

if (t.wait(10000) == "OK") {
  // user clicked ok within 10s

Tip with custom buttons

Then you can .wait() on the field and the return value from this invocation will give you the button value or null if timed out or the tip was otherwise closed.

Re-use tips

Tip configurations can be re-used if you e.g. want to display the same information on multiple fields.

var t = Fields.MiddleButton.tip("I am tip");
// Update text in both tip windows
t.text = "I am a tip shown twice";



  • text (string) the (markdown) text to display
  • pointing (string) whether to point the tip on the left, right, top or bottom side (default left
  • color (string) the color to use as background (the text, icon and border colors will adjust automatically) (default Khaki) – see Sticky action colors
  • icon (string) an optional icon to be displayed (default ´None´) – see Sticky action icons
  • width (int) the width of the tip window
  • height (int) the height of the tip window
  • noFin (bool) set to true to hide the Manatee icon
  • timeout (int) how long to show the tip (default 300000 = 5 min)
  • isVisible (bool) returns whether or not the field is currently visible (cannot be altered)
  • buttons (array) an array of buttons to show, each button can have the following properties:
    • value the text to display on the button
    • icon an optional icon to show
    • foregroundColor the color of the text and icon
    • backgroundColor the color of the button background
    • isDefault to provide an emphasis on the button
    • isCancel which automatically closes the tip when shown


  • close closes all tip windows displaying this tip