# Word

This documents the Word module and how to use it from JavaScript flows.

You can load the module using the following code:

var c = Module.load("Word", {version: "X.Y.Z"});

# Open and inspect a document

To parse and inspect a document, use the open method:

var doc = c.open("path/to/document.docx");

If you need to edit the document, you can use the open method with the editable: true option:

var doc = c.open("path/to/document.docx", {editable: true});

Remember to `close()` all documents you've opened

If you don’t you wont be able to access the document until Manatee is restarted.

The returned doc is a document-object-model of a sorts of the document in question. You can use it to retrieve all paragraphs, tables, lists, etc. in the document.

Each node in the inspect() output has a type property that indicates the type of node. The following types are supported:

  • document: the root node of the document
  • paragraph: a paragraph
  • table: a table
  • list: a list
  • listitem: an item in a list
  • text: a text node

In addition you can invoke the toHtml() method on each node to get a simplified HTML representation of the node.

# Closing a document

When you are done with a document, you must close it using the close method:


Always close all documents opened.

# Edit a document

You can replace text in a document using the replace method:

doc.replace("find", "replace");

Remember to open the document with the `editable: true` option

If you don’t, the replace method will throw an error.

var doc = c.open("path/to/document.docx", { editable: true });

You can also replace text using a regular expression:

doc.replace(/find/g, "replace");

or use a function to replace text:

doc.replace(/find/g, function (match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

You can also supply a map of values to be replaced:

    "find1": "replace1",
    "find2": "replace2"


The replace will modify the file in-place so if you need the original file, make a copy before opening it:

Fs.cp("path/to/document.docx", "path/to/document.docx.bak");
var doc = c.open("path/to/document.docx", { editable: true });

In addition to the replace function you can also modify text more directly.

Each text node has a text property that you can use to get or set the text of the node:

var doc = c.open("path/to/document.docx");
var t = doc.Children[0]; // here we assume the first node is a text node
t.text = "Hello World";

// NB: You need to explictly save the document (save will also close it)