# Db

The Db module has functionality for connecting to databases. It currently supports sqlite, mssql, msaccess, oracle and postgresql databases.

Requires Manatee v2.0 or greater

This version of the Db module cannot be used with Manatee v2.0 or earlier.

# Connect

The connect method initialises a connection to a given database and returns a Database object.

# Parameters

  • type the type of the database, currently this should be “mssql”, “sqlite”, “msaccess”, “oracle” or “postgresql”.
  • connection the connection-string which contains information about how to connect to the database in question

# Example

var db = Db.connect('sqlite', 'Data Source=C:\\MyFolder\\Test.db;Version=3;');

# Database

The database object returned from a Db.connect(...) invocation represents a database connection. It has two primary methods for interacting with a database; query and exec.

# Exec

The exec method will execute a non-query (e.g. INSERT, UPDATE) and return the number of affected rows.

# Example
var affectedRows = db.exec('CREATE TABLE Test (id int, name string)');

Also supports db parameters:

  "INSERT INTO Mammals (name, species) VALUES (@name, @species)", 
  { "@name": "John", "@species": "Seacow" }

The arguments in the 2nd argument must be prefixed with “@”.

# Query

The query method is used for queries (e.g. SELECT etc) and returns an array of objects representing the result of the query.

# Example
var rows = db.query('SELECT id, name from Test');
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
  Debug.showDialog("id="+rows[i].id+", name="+rows[i].name);

The query method also supports db parameters:

var rows = db.query(
  "SELECT * FROM Mammals WHERE species = @species", 
  { "@species": "Seacow" }

# Begin

The begin() method is used to initiate a transaction.

# Example
var tx = db.begin();

# Close

You can use the close() method to close the database connection.


# Transaction

A transaction object is conceptually similar to the database object. It has the same query and exec methods, but will delay the execution of the query or command until commit() is invoked and of course maintains transactional integrity. If the rollback() method is invoked the query and exec operations already made are discarded.

# Commit

A commit() invocation will commit the tx to the db.

# Example
tx.exec("INSERT INTO Test (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John')");
tx.exec("INSERT INTO Test (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Jane')");
// Commit John and Jane

# Rollback

A rollback() invocation will rollback the tx.

# Example
tx.exec("INSERT INTO Test (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John')");
tx.exec("INSERT INTO Test (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Jane')");
// John and Jane are not needed anyways